Friday, August 15, 2008


I had an interesting presentation this morning to my team. I was articulating our YTD results based on the goals that we had agreed upon at the start of the year. We met almost all the goals and I presented a "improved challenge" (management speak) to the team which they gladly accepted (more on MOTIVATION in another blog)

Once we were done, I was thinking about "RESULTS". We always want "good" results. We never want "bad" results. So then why do we even want to call them results and not call them as goals. Maybe it is just semantics but think about it: You have a problem, you have a solution. You have an issue, you have a resolution. You have a risk, you have a mitigation. However, in case of a GOAL - you have a RESULT.

Next time around, I believe that we need to set-up an objective (of meeting a target) and then measure the result rather than use GOAL as the objective of achieving something because you can achieve quantify an objective but can you quantify a goal? Think about it!

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