Thursday, April 12, 2007


Picture a scenario of a company that has been around for a century. This company is a leader in its industry and defines the standards for the industry. All is well and the stockholders are happy, employees are happy and the corporation is healthy. One quarter this company's executives find that they are not leaders any more.

We have this happening time and again. There are numerous examples specifically in the high-tech sector. IBM during 1993-1995, Microsoft during 1998-2000 and so on. Why does this happen? Stockholders blame it on the short-sighted executives, the executives blame it on the business conditions and so on however the lack of flexibility is the root cause. And this is why I say this.

Once a company reaches a level of maturity, there are defined processes, products and people in place who firmly believe that they define the rules of the game. The company is not flexible enough to design and market new products, it is not flexible enough to acquire new technologies, not flexible enough to take the risk of manufacturing in low-cost countries and lastly the employees are not flexible enough to embrace new ideas. Period. Where does this in-flexibility lead us? Down from the number #1 of a leader to a follower. I see this happening across the world - "We do it this way because this is the way it is done". This clearly shows in-flexibility to new ideas and suggestions and is the first step in moving down the ladder in all segments.

So, the next time around, someone says that "this is not a possible option", are they being difficult or just plain in-flexible. Think about it !

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